No internet yesterday, I'm sooo changing my delivering service!
But, the weather was amazing and finally ppl stoped working and leaving me all alone ;) so we went and got alot of snack-type-things at Willys
Then we drove to the ocean, I loooooove the ocean so the least you can say is that I was in a good mood ;)
It was fantastic and the water wasn't as cold as I had expected it to be ;)
When we came home I went for a ride with Frida on her mc, wiiiiiiiiiiiiie!!! So many beautiful houses to look at and nature ofc, I so need a licence ;) Hopefully I will get to do that again on thursday!
The rest of the evening was spent at home in my fortress watching The Fellowship of the Ring.
And then I was going to bed, or so I thought. Then I got too warm, itchy and my whole skin was like, tingeling... Obviously I couldn't sleep so I started pacing the apartment trying to figure out why until I passed my window and saw this:
Riiiight... So, not much to do but follow... Here we have this old watertower, and if you climb up there you have an amazing view over the whole town. This was where I had to go.
So I spent my night up there, finally cool, watching and thinking. It was nice but I really hope I get to sleep tonight!